Thursday, March 24, 2016

Everyday Adventures: The Train Station

So I underestimated the bug that got our family last week. We still are recovering with our stuffy noses. That being said, Brett had to fly out while congested and had some serious pain and his ears took a day to finally open up again. Just in time to fly back home... So, he decided to take an overnight train instead.

This led to yesterday's adventure: Picking up Daddy at the Train Station!

There was a lot to see

Barker's favorite part was the free newspapers in the "mailbox" out front. 

And it ended with bringing Daddy home :) 

A fun little errand/outing that lasted about 15min with zero tears! Works for me. ;)

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Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday Fun: Jamberry

Just because it's Friday and I feel like being random, I thought I'd share a new "obsession" I've developed over the past year... Jamberry!

It's most known for its nail wraps but it also has other great hand and nail care
products. So here is a look at my nails this past year. An yes, these have all been applied on my own. ;)

My first Jamicure! 

Last year's Easter nails

Mother's Day

Summer fun & during VBS

Applied during our first Gooch Girls nail night :)

My nails while waiting for Beckett to arrive!

First self pedicure post-baby

Fall Fun
Mixing it up for my bday
Christmas Nails!
Dots and whimsy for Disney World
Feeling classy and bold 

Feeling bright

So those are some of my favorites. And in case you were wondering, I don't sell Jamberry, I'm just a fan. They last 10-14 days on my nails and I have two littles! It's something fun that's just for me. :)

Which was your favorite look?! ;)
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Thursday, March 17, 2016


 3 out of the 4 people in this house are currently sick. It really isn't anything major, just a little head cold I think, but still no fun.

Barker has had a pretty constant fever of 99.5-100.5 for nearly 48hrs now. He seems fine for the most part but it coughing and has a runny nose. 
I know he isn't feeling well because he doesn't want to eat anything. Not even pb&j, his current favorite!

Last night was rough. Barker woke up a few times in his room very disoriented and upset. We finally brought him to bed with us around 11pm and then had a rough night of light sleep, getting coughed on and calming down an upset, half asleep, sick toddler. :( 

The baby has had a slight fever as well but is not having too much trouble. Mainly he is eating and sleeping a lot. There is a chance he has the bug AND is working on the 6 month growth spurt. I'm glad he is still happy. He even started eating solids this week. 

 So it looks like another day of taking it slow, watching cartoon, drinking fluids and attempting laundry... (I promise this head cold isn't that bad, but all motivation to get things done is out the window, esp when barker had me up at 5:45 after our restless night.)

Side note: Happy St. Patrick's Day and cheers to a healthier tomorrow.

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Friday, March 4, 2016

Monitoring Little Brother

We have the "WithBaby" monitor and app on our devices. It's awesome, you can adjust white noise, lights, talk through it, take pictures and set movement and noise alarms etc.

The main thing I use is the noise level alarm. When Becekett wakes up my phone and the iPad alert me that the baby is up. I then check in to see how baby is doing.

Often the alarm will go off while Barker is using the iPad; he has now discovered how to check in on his little brother. Then I get a bonus alert from Barker announcing, "Beckett crying!" Or "Beckett sleeping!" (Either way it is apparently very exciting.)

Yesterday, I got Beckett from his nap and brought him downstairs while Barker was in the kitchen on his iPad. A few minutes later the alert went off (sometimes lawn maintenance outside will trigger it) so Barker clicked to see his brother. But Beckett wasn't there. Barker announced to Brett, "Beckett gone!!" Brett then assured him that I already had Beckett and was with him on the couch. :)

This morning as I brought Barker downstairs we heard Beckett cough in  his room. Barker then exclaimed, "ah Beckett! Look phone!" 

Always looking out for his little brother. :) I love how much he cares for him. <3

You've gotta love these two: Best Buddies for Life

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Thursday, March 3, 2016

First Dip in the Pool!

It may just barely be March and the water is still rather chilly, but my toddler has had his eye on the pool for awhile now and yesterday I thought, tomorrow should be sunny and warm, let's do this.

So, today, I warmed up our hot tub to a "warm tub" and we got in!

Barker has always been a water lover and loved splashing as always.

He didn't want to get out! Even when the only "pool toys" I could quickly find were a couple old tupperwear pieces.

This was Beckett's first time in the pool ever! By this age Barker had been in the pool and to the beach multiple times, so it seems funny that he is already 5mo for his first dip. Although, when we move, it'll be even longer for the next kiddos.

I think he liked it.

And of course Brett didn't warn me when Barker snuck up behind us with a tub of water. He just kept the camera ready. :P

So that was our fun event for today. Fingers crossed it makes for a nice night of solid sleep tonight! =D

P.S. The cutest moment was when Barker was playing with his tub and Beckett was giggling. Then Barker said, "Beckett turn!" and handed me the tub for Beckett. =)
(Of course 30seconds later it was Barker's turn again. ;))

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