Friday, March 27, 2015


Sorry about slacking on the posts lately! I promise I have a good reason but I'll save that for another post. ;)

Meanwhile I'll try to keep up a little better via my iPhone and little snippets about our life that I find amusing. (Hopefully you will too.)

I keep Barker's big container snacks on top of the fridge. (Goldfish and animal cracks) Naturally Barker knows this and often brings us into the kitchen and points up when he wants chocolate animal crackers (his current snack of choice.) This probably happens 5xs a day  lol. Don't worry, I don't always give in to the cuteness. 0:-)

All this to say: 
Barker is 16mo old now and working on his vocabulary and today he used his latest word! After calling me into the kitchen he pointed to the top of the fridge and said, "snack!" (Although it sounded more like "snaa!") I was so proud I had to go ahead and get him some goldfish. Hehe But I knew he was probably still hungry after sharing half of his breakfast with our dog Sahara this morning. 

So here he is enjoying his "snaa" and of course the dog is patiently waiting for her share.

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Sunday, March 1, 2015


It's the first day of March!
It was a cold February for us in Florida. Sure we didn't have any snow, but it was cold enough that I didn't take Barker to a park outside of our neighborhood once. haha So I'm looking forward to getting out a little more as it warms up here.

However there are two things I'm not looking forward to so much this month:
1. Brett's travel season starts. =/
2. Spring Breakers!! (I don't think I'll be heading to the beach for the next two months...and traffic is going to get a little tighter.)

My plan is to keep busy and have more outings for the little guy. Our biggest venture will hopefully be swim lessons! I've started looking into it. I just need to pick a place and sign him up! (I also probably need to get him new swimming gear, he's grown quite a bit lately.)

I'll try to keep y'all updated on our outing and adventures.

Cheers to a bright and exciting March!

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