Monday, October 26, 2015

Wonder Woman Moments

Sometimes in Mommyhood you accomplish an impossible Parenting Task and feel like a superhero afterwards. I call these Wonder Woman moments.

This morning I had one when I was able to bathe both boys at the same time, 
lotion then up and get them dressed without a single tear!

 (Also without Barker covering the floor with a flood of water! :))

Beckett hasn't been too fond of bath time, so for him to remain chilled the whole time, even when waiting for brother to get washed is a big deal. I hope this is a sign of the great week ahead. We have a lot going on, so happy babies would be suuuper helpful.

And now I wil leave you with a side by side of my two boys at the same age. Beckett has filled out a bit faster than Barker...

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Friday, October 23, 2015

Introducing Beckett!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I had our baby! And now he is already ONE MONTH OLD! I can't believe it.

He was born on September 21st and came on his own just hours before I was to be induced. (He was two days late.)
At birth he weighed in at 8lbs 2.5oz and now, just one month later he is already 12lbs 8oz!

Can you guess he enjoys eating? ;) He is a sweet little ball of pure cuteness. And Barker seems to like him too.

So life is a little crazy over here. Beckett is a bit colicky (more so at night of course) and Barker is still finding his new place as the Big Brother. But overall they amaze me every day.

Barker is taking off with his talking and learning his letters.

Beckett is becoming more alert and day by day we're getting a little better at settling down and getting back to sleep.

The verse I am currently clinging to when the nights get long is 2 Corinthians 4:17 "For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever."

I can't wait to see what God has planned for us next. =)

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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

We Can Play Outside Again!

Woohoo it's finally cooling down around here with highs in the mid 80's so we can play outside again!

I'm working on gradually building our new daily routine now that I have two little boys to tend to, and outside time is very necessary. Barker and I get stir crazy while stuck in the house and Beckett (Little Brother) enjoys being worn so we often take morning walks

or just play in the front yard/driveway.

Today I started experimenting with a set morning nap time for Beckett so I put him in his swing in our room with the monitor,

 then took Barker to the front yard.
Without a baby strapped to me we were able to get a little more creative with the chalk today. 

And since Fall in FL is more of a second phase of summer, we created our own Fall fun.

And Beckett took a nice 2hr nap!

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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Let the Silly Man Be Silly

Barker has been a big brother officially for about 3 weeks now. 
He is learning to be patient and aware of his brother. He is kind and tries to be helpful, but he also is figuring out Mommy's new limits. ;)

Daddy is working today so we are taking the morning off. 
Naturally Barker is up to his own silly shenanigans, and today I decided to just let him have his fun. Little Brother is snoozing, so why not get soaking wet in his Jammies while playing poolside?

First he had some time watching his shows on his iPad.
Then a little hiding.
Trying out all the remotes
Eating a muffin in Mommy's spot
And a little water play...
Make that a little pjs in the pool time.

Perhaps this will bring on a nice looong afternoon nap...
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