Friday, July 24, 2015

First Science Project

Last week we finished off a carton of orange juice and I remembered an elementary school science project from my ELED days at Ball State and decided it could be Barker's first science project: Growing a pumpkin. (Fingers crossed it works!)

Sure he is a bit young, but why not? The package says it'll take 100 days to fully grow (in the middle of fall!), and of course we'll have to transplant it, but here is what we did today. =)

First I cut an orange juice carton, it's about 4" tall. Then Barker got to decorate it with stickers!

Next, we moved to the garage to fill the carton with dirt. (It's was raining outside)

He only had to see me get the dirt a couple times before he was ready to try himself.

Then we planted the pumpkin seed.

To follow up I watered and put it on the counter. It will live on our back patio soon. =)
I think I will plant another one on my own just in case we got a dud of a seed. I don't know how it will turn out, but it's never too early to start teaching the kids to garden, and I think he had fun. ;) If you like what you just read please click to send a quick vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs- The best mommy blog directory featuring top mom bloggers

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Toddler Life Randomness

Every day Barker does something that catches me off guard or just makes me laugh. Today he did not disappoint, so here are just some of the silly/random things I caught him doing today...

He started by making another ball pit in an Amazon box I had left out for him.
He often likes to transport his balls from one place to another to create all kinds of ball pits. And apparently no ball can be left behind. I counted 6 balls for him to play with today but he was obsessing over the one under the tv stand. So I had to spend 5 minutes fishing it out with a duster wand. (Not an easy task when you are 30wks pregnant)

At the grocery store he picked a banana to be his choice item today.
I let him hold it on the way home too. But suddenly I noticed the banana smell had become quite strong. When we got home I had this. 

I'm pretty proud of him for figuring out how to open a banana. But his straps need some serious cleaning now. 

This afternoon Barker discovered new ways to play with his balls when he brought them to me in a dog bowl.
And then dumped them on me. I'm not sure why. Sometimes he likes to try and fit them all in my hands at the same time.

And finally, after dinner, I realized he had gotten rather quiet in the next room...
Apparently getting out all the diapers is not enough, he must also open them. Again, I'm not sure why.

So there you go. A little glimpse into our toddler adventures. Any guesses as to what is going on in his head? :)
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