Once again I was blessed with being a part of the team leading worship at church, which is always awesome. =) Singing and worshiping brings me to my happy place and I love praising God for allowing me to be a Mom!
After second service I got to see my little boy looking like the cutest little man ever.
And we got a cute photo.
After I was done serving I met Barker & Brett at our sister-in-law's house. She has a newborn so going out isn't the best option right now. ;) But Brett surprised us with a special mother's day lunch! He made chicken salad sandwiches on croissants and cut up some fresh fruit. It was rather tasty. (But he's a great cook, so that's no surprise.)
Then they gave me a cake that Barker also picked out. =) Oh and now whenever I get a piece Barker giggles uncontrollably because apparently cake is yummy! (He gets that from my side of the family for sure. haha)
So overall, it was a special and sweet Mother's Day. And as a bonus, the next day (today), we got to see our next little baby via ultrasound and found out the sex!! But I'll save that for my next post...
Love to the awesome Mommies out there! I hope your day was as special as mine. =)
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