Thursday, December 17, 2015

Barker and his ways

Barker has a lot of sides. Here are some I was able to capture this week:

The observer
He likes to take in new things by watching first. He also enjoys long walks around the neighborhood.

Fearless, Mr. Independent
He loves to run and explore. No need  hold Mommy's hand. Let's go!

A Gentleman
He has no trouble saying thank you. He'll even throw in the name of the person he is thanking! "Thank you Mommy!"

I'm so excited! He may have inherited my gift of organization! Of course he is two so...

Creative Explosions!
There is no end to his imagination. He certainly knows how to throw his very own, very exciting toddler parties.

1 comment:

  1. Barker is a very hard worker just like his Mommy and Daddy!
