Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015--Answered Prayers and Fasting

Our church likes to kick off the new year by fasting and praying. Last year Brett and I decided to participate and pray together for 3 things we wanted God to guide us through for the year.
It was a 10 Day fast in which we gave up certain food items and prayed. For me, I gave up sugar and Keurig drinks. Then, any time I craved that, I stopped to pray.

Brett and I made a list of 3 things to pray for:

1. Expanding our Family
2. Growth in Brett's job
3. Moving 

Here is what happened in each area:

1. Expanding our Family

In December of 2014 we went through our 3rd miscarriage (the first two were before Barker) and I was left feeling lost and wondering what God had planned for us. So of course this was on the top of our prayer list. I appeared to be perfectly healthy, yet I had lost another baby and we didn't really have a reason. I wondered if I'd be able to carry another baby to term or if we would expand our family another way. Whatever would happen, we needed God's peace and direction. 
Then, 5 days into the fast, we discovered I was pregnant again. We were "cautiously optimistic" the entire first trimester and then, on September 21 I gave birth to our second son. He was a healthy full term (plus 2 days) baby weighing 8lbs 2.5oz. =D

2. Growth in Brett's Job

Brett was happy and enjoyed his job, but he had been doing the same thing for awhile and was ready for some new challenges. God provided here in not just one, but in two ways!
In the spring we took on an investment property when we purchased and flipped a small house! Brett worked very hard and now we are renting it out to a sweet military family. :) 
Then, in the summer, Brett interviewed and was chosen for a new position in his company. He now works entirely from home (yay!) when he is not traveling and we can live anywhere. Which leads to...

3. Moving

When we got married and moved to Florida, we always hoped to eventually move back to the Midwest. 
Last year we prayed from God to either give us peace to stay where we were, or open the door for us to move back. 
As the year started we settled in to stay in Florida and felt peace about it. But then, with Brett's new job, we no longer had to stay for job/financial reasons. Around the time we welcomed Beckett into the world the doors started to really open for us to move to Indiana.
Shortly before thanksgiving God provided us with a lot and a house plan that we love and now we are building a house just outside of Indianapolis! 

As we close 2015 I can't help but be thankful and amazed at how God as provided for us this year. 

Now on to fasting and praying for another great year in 2016!
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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Barker and his ways

Barker has a lot of sides. Here are some I was able to capture this week:

The observer
He likes to take in new things by watching first. He also enjoys long walks around the neighborhood.

Fearless, Mr. Independent
He loves to run and explore. No need  hold Mommy's hand. Let's go!

A Gentleman
He has no trouble saying thank you. He'll even throw in the name of the person he is thanking! "Thank you Mommy!"

I'm so excited! He may have inherited my gift of organization! Of course he is two so...

Creative Explosions!
There is no end to his imagination. He certainly knows how to throw his very own, very exciting toddler parties.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Taking a Mental Day

(Clicked to publish this Monday but it didn't go through! Oh well, here it is now)

On the surving (0) to thriving (10) scale I'd say we're at a 2 today.

While Beckett is on his best behavior and hasn't had one true colic fit yet today (knock on wood), 

Barker is testing me.

I was so happy when Beckett gave me a strong 5hr stretch of sleep last night. It made me hopeful after the rough colic filled day we had just survived. 

But then, about 10min after I had just gotten back to sleep, Barker woke up.

It was 4:30am.

Usually when it's that early I can bring him into my bed and he'll go right back to sleep. Sadly that was not the case today.

Then he spent the morning running around with the dog, which isn't bad until he opens the door out to the garage, gets into some ornaments and then calls the dog to come out and join him.

Of course the lack of sleep makes him cranky. (Me too ;))

But thankfully the boys tend to take turns with their crazy days and Beckett has been quite the trooper.

He even napped by himself long enough for me to paint my toes while Barker crawled on my back. (I just pretended he was giving me a massage...)

So I'm taking a mental health day. We are all still in our pjs and I'm reading and rocking Beckett while Barker is up to his usual silliness. 
(Ok the makeup thing happened Friday, but I now cringe every time he goes near our bathroom.)

I just hope the random assortment of items I tossed in the crockpot taste good for dinner tonight. :)

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