Monday, October 26, 2015

Wonder Woman Moments

Sometimes in Mommyhood you accomplish an impossible Parenting Task and feel like a superhero afterwards. I call these Wonder Woman moments.

This morning I had one when I was able to bathe both boys at the same time, 
lotion then up and get them dressed without a single tear!

 (Also without Barker covering the floor with a flood of water! :))

Beckett hasn't been too fond of bath time, so for him to remain chilled the whole time, even when waiting for brother to get washed is a big deal. I hope this is a sign of the great week ahead. We have a lot going on, so happy babies would be suuuper helpful.

And now I wil leave you with a side by side of my two boys at the same age. Beckett has filled out a bit faster than Barker...

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