Barker was sick with Laryngitis, plus teething, and had me up quite a bit at night. Then during the day he was especially irritable and resisting naps so I didn't get out of the house too much. This delayed grocery shopping quite a bit so the cooking thing wasn't happening either.
Plus it was very hot and muggy outside so we didn't get out on our morning walks and Brett had very full work days that included him being away in the evenings.
So, it was a long week and in the end, it didn't feel very productive. That's not a fun feeling =/ and I wasn't seeing much change on the horizon.
Finally, the weekend came. We went out for a family dinner, watched a movie at home, relaxed in our hot tub and went shopping together.
Meanwhile by Saturday Barker was finally starting to get his voice back and feel better. =) He even one a toy in a raffle at Babies 'R Us.
Then on Sunday Brett agreed to watch Barker on his own and set up a massage appointment for me since I'd been so busy with him all week and my back was killing me. Just looking forward to that all day put me in a better mood.
And last night, I finally got a solid 3hr block of uninterrupted sleep between Barker's quick wake ups during the night. (I never realized how important uninterrupted sleep was until the baby was born.)
Today I'm feeling motivated again. It's only 10:30AM and we've gone on a morning walk, taken some 6 months pictures, I did a little party planning and managed to pump.
It's amazing what a little family time, sleep and a massage can do. ;)
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