Saturday, April 30, 2016

Barker's Toddler Life

Barker has been busy this week. Every day I am amazed by the silly things he says or does.
So amid the messes from potty training this week... Here is what he has been up to:

Baths with his brother. Lots of giggles and requests for bubbles.
He drew a rainbow all by himself. (I'm pretty impressed)
Passed out while holding a party balloon
Checking on his brother during nap time (see previous blog entry)
Snacking in the deli (after sampling grapes in the produce section)
Playing in the clubhouse 

"Arrr! Ahoy!"
Playing in the new van. It's a new favorite.
He earned his first swimming ribbon. (For swimming with big arms)
Constantly hugging Little Brother or trying to move him to where he wants him.
It's hard to find the perfect sleeping position.
Mr. Sock Hands (he kept saying, "Mommy hug!" While I was trying to fold laundry. He wants my undivided attention. So, we played with the socks.
Getting a special dog cleaning when he had peanut butter hands.
And ending the work week with dumping water on Mommy. (I wouldn't let him water the dog or Little Brother.)

You gotta love him! But maybe a long nap would be nice as well...
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Monday, April 25, 2016

Big Brother Rescue

 Usually Barker is the one that wakes up early and Beckett sleeps in. But today, they flipped. So after waking up early, Beckett was ready for an early nap this morning and Barker was still sleeping.

I put Beckett down and never heard a peep. :)

Checked on his 5 minutes later...
He wasn't alone. 

I guess he got his second wind. :P

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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Zoo Day

This week we stayed rather busy with swim lessons, play dates, errands and prepping the house for the market.

In the middle of all that, I got to take to the boys to the zoo for the first time!

A friend of mine had a guest pass for me and the littles are free, so we ended up having a zoo play date!

3 Moms

3 toddler boys that were born within a week of each other

And 3 little brothers ages 9mo, 7mo and 3mo

Barker had fun exploring the place and checking out the animals. Sometimes we'd have a stray toddler...or 3. (They looked like triplets running around) But having three moms that know how 2yr old boys work was very helpful! And after an hour or so the boys began to slow down. ;)

Just in time for some water fun!

And we ended the morning with a sweet little train ride. :)

Barker fell asleep on the way home. Apparently while taking off his shoes. Haha

Oh and did you notice we have a new van!? The best part is I can now fit the double stroller into my vehicle. :)

Well, that's all I have time to share for now. Ttfn as Tigger would say! ;)
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Friday, April 15, 2016


Barker has developed some super cute phrases lately!

Barker is talking in more and more complete sentences and his little toddler voice is ADORABLE. It's so funny to hear what phrases stand out to him and how he then uses them. =)
Here are some of my favorites:

1. I need that.
Any time Barker wants something he tells us he "needs" it. I'm pretty sure this started because I always ask him, "what do you need?" It's so sweet and funny now though. Last week I gave him a cookie (it was a fig newton) and figured I could have my own snack too. Oh no, Barker noticed my little debbie cake. "I need THAT cookie!" he told me. haha Of course I had to share.
"I need hotdogs."

2. *something* Time!
Any time Barker wants something, it because that time. "Milk Time!" "Chicken Time!" "Aunt Sierra Time!" (That was about facetiming ;)) This one stems from his love of PB&J--when I used to sing, "It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!"

3. Beckett *something*
Barker has become a little alarm when it comes to his little brother. He likes to announce (often loudly) whatever Beckett is doing. "Beckett crying!" "Beckett sleeping!" "Beckett hungry!" It's really sweet how much he cares about him. This afternoon Barker was playing on his ipad when he suddenly wanted to see his brother for some reason. He went into the living room and said, "where's Beckett?!" He was rather disappointed to be reminded Beckett was napping.

Other cute phrases he uses often:
"Look at this!" (Somehow this phrase becomes one word.)
"Here ya go Mommy."
"I love you." (Seriously, it melts your heart. He almost always says it back now.)

That sweet little voice helps to make me smile during all the weekly chaos. He may drive me crazy sometimes, but I wouldn't trade our little talker for the world.

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Monday, April 11, 2016

Possibly crawling?

Beckett is currently 6mo old and after much hard work he is finally moving! But I'm not sure I can qualify it as crawling...
He can get up on all fours and rock. He can even get his knees going a little. The hands, however do not really move yet.
Instead, he pushes really hard from his knees and launches forward kind of like when you swim and push off the wall. :p
He then squirms, pushes and pulls himself to the desired location.
And what might be his favorite items to crawl for? Electronics.
Any time I set my phone on the floor he is suddenly making a move for it.
Yesterday, he launched himself on top of his brother's iPad.
And sometimes he'll spot a laptop that was purposely placed out of the way.
And a few seconds later...
Yummy, cords!

He's a little man on the move and sure to get the hang of crawling soon! But in the meantime, I'll enjoy watching our little guy move like this:

 hehehe I love this little Dude
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