I decided a long time ago that when Barker wants to help me clean, I'll try my best to let him do it. Sure that often means it takes 4X as long, but in the long run it'll help if he learns to do it right when he's little and takes an interest! Right? ;)
His favorite is using the Swiffer, and I'll admit, that is the worst because he loves pushing the button to get the soap out and he really doesn't understand how to clean with it or that it's just for the hard floors (not rugs).
Today he wanted to help mop. I have two mops now so he got to use one.
It took a little longer than usual... and the floors got REALLLY wet. But I think he enjoyed himself.
My mom recently got us a mop and bucket that spins. That was super amusing.
Now I just hope he keeps up this interest in cleaning as he gets older!
Brett will honestly tell you he's "not a baby person." It's true. He thinks he doesn't know what to do with them and after 5 minutes of crying he can't handle it anymore and will quickly hand the baby back to me.
When Barker was only a few months old he told me he'd be okay once he could "reason with him." This always made me chuckle because when can you ever "reason" with your child?
Luckily that ended up meaning, once he can walk, play with a ball and start talking.
He may think he isn't a baby person, but it is obvious to me he is a good Daddy and husband.
When Barker was 10 months old we went on a cruise and he had fluid on his ears. One night we just could not get Barker to calm down and we were exhausted. Brett then took Barker and paced the ship until he found a lounge chair by the pool on the upper deck where the white noise of the ocean and the cool air helped get him to sleep.
A couple weeks ago Beckett was crying while I was getting Barker ready to go somewhere. I was trying to work fast and getting a little stressed. Then Brett came out of his office, walked over to Becett, picked him up and calmed him down within about 2 minutes. It was amazing and so sweet.
I know this baby stage is rough on him, but when we really need him, he is always there.
When I tell him about the number of times the baby woke me up, or how both boys AND the dog were all crying for something at the same time that day he tells me what is probably the best thing he could say in that situation, "you're a good mom."
Earlier this week he made me laugh when I was talking about trying to stay organized and be productive and he said,
"Every day you keep the boys alive is productivity for you."
That made me smile, not just because it's silly, but also because he meant it. :)
So this Thanksgiving Season I couldn't be more thankful for this man that God has placed in my life.
Barker surprises me every day, this morning it's not even 8AM and he's impressed me with his manners! It almost makes up for him laying on his brother when I took the dog out...
For a long time now we've been teaching Barker to say, "please" and "thank you." These are also words that he signs, it's super sweet and cute.
When he wants something to eat or drink, or is begging for a fry after we go through a drive-thru, I'll ask him, "what do we say?" and he'll reply, "please, fry please!" Sometimes he'll say please all on his own, and I'm pretty sure I even heard him say, "welcome" in response to me saying thank you the other day!
I also prompt him to say, "thank you" whenever someone gives him something or does somthing for him. He's pretty good at that until he gets really shy around a new person. ;) But at home Brett will give him some milk, I say, "say thank you" and Barker replies, "thank you Daddy!"
This morning, I had just calmed down Beckett (after apparently Barker thought wrestling was a good idea when I took the dog out) and was laying him down in his rock-n-play when Barker comes over and taps him on the face. =( While attempting to calm Beckett and move Barker away I tell him, "you can't do that Barker, he's too little." (A phrase that is often said throughout the day.) Then I go into the kitchen and Barker follows saying, "sorry Beckett, sorry Beckett, sorry Mommy!" I was shocked! I just started telling him to say sorry last week and here he is saying it all on his own! Of course I told him we forgive him and then I gave him his drink. =)
Then 2 minutes later I gave Barker his vitamin and he said, "thank you" all on his own!
Needless to say I couldn't be prouder of the little gentleman he is becoming. =)
We have a lot of boxes around here and Barker is sometimes intrigued, but he doesn't really know what to do with them.
Last week we had a larger empty box after getting our monthly Amazon mom shipment of diapers and wipes. I could see the possibilities, Barker just needed a boost. First, I put some blocks and his iPad inside.
I sent this picture to Brett and said Barker needed some help working on his clubhouse.
It started with a window.
Then he started decorating with stickers. (This entertains him for hours, it's awesome.)
Then we remembered the box from our new water heater was in the garage!
Now he has a door and plenty of room for Daddy too.
Isn't he a cutie?
And of course Beckett wants to join in on the fun. ;)
Beckett is snoozing and Barker is playing on his iPad so I actually get a moment to blog and drink my Chai Latte while it's still warm! =)
Here we go.
Last week my first baby boy turned TWO!
His big gift was a tricycle and a helmet. =)
I hadn't planned to do too much this year, but we ended up taking a trip up to visit our families and the Grandparents made it extra special. =)
Both sides gave him cake.
There were balloons.
And of course presents!
Can you tell he is a Mickey Mouse Fan?
Then on his actual birthday we were back home and Brett decided to take Barker out to a special dinner...Chuck E Cheese ;) (Beckett and I were there too of course!)
Birthday Churro, he loves to dip!
So here are Barker's stats and favorites:
Height: 34.5"
New Skills: Knows most of his capital letters, a couple numbers, basic colors, repeats everything, follows simple directions (such as throwing something away), Big Brother (checks on Beckett, brings him toys, gives "knuckles" and kisses), sorting colors, sorting shapes, getting better with a spoon, navigating his iPad, jumping and spinning while dancing
Favorite color: Yellow (because it's fun to say)
Favorite Toys: Blocks/Legos, iPad, Balls
Favorite Foods: Pizza, Bananas, Grapes, Milk
Favorite Shows: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse aka "House," Sesame Street, Sheriff Callie's Wild West
Favorite Animals: Dog, Elephant
Favorite Songs/Dances: The Wheels on the Bus, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
Favorite Books: Go Dog Go, The Cat's Pajamas
Favorite Activities: Playing outside, playing on his iPad, eating, running with Sahara, playing with Beckett, reading books, building with his blocks or Legos, Dancing
You can't help but love this sweetie pie!
So did I get through this entire entry without being interrupted? Absolutely not. I am finishing my cold Chai Latte now. ;) But I'm okay with that.